We worship together every Sunday at 8am and 10am. Our 8am service is Holy Eucharist Rite II in our Chapel. Our 10am service is Holy Eucharist Rite II with music in our Sanctuary. We Zoom our 10am service and also livestream it to FacebookLive.
All are welcome and invited to join us in whatever way they feel most comfortable.
Please call or email us for the Zoom ID.
We also offer Morning Prayer on Tuesday mornings at 9:30am.
We have Adult Education opportunities at various points throughout the year. Contact us to find out what we are currently studying.
One of our main priorities as a faith community is our commitment to outreach. We help support a number of programs that address the needs and concerns of our Palmyra and Wayne County community.
This video highlights two of the ministries we are most passionate and proud of:
Grace House and Community Supper
The Palmyra-Macedon Food Pantry
The Pal-Mac Food Pantry is located in our basement. The Food Pantry is open on Monday and Wednesday evening from 6:30-8:00.
For more information visit their website: https://palmacfoodpantry.wixsite.com/pal-mac-food-pantry.
If you have an emergency need of food, please call the Zion Office.
Grace House
Grace House is located in the house (former rectory) next to the church. Please visit Grace House's page for more information about this incredible ministry.
Community Dinners
Zion has hosted Community Dinners on the last Sunday of every month for many years. While we are not able to invite the community into our building at this time, we are continuing to offer home-made meals in a take-out format. Serving will begin at 5pm and continue until we run out of food.
The 2022 dates for Community Dinner are:
February 27; March 27; April 24; May 29; June 26
Family Promise
Zion is proud to support Family Promise of Wayne County whose mission is to "help homeless and low-income families achieve sustainable independence through a non-governmental, non-denominational community-based response." We often provide food and other items for the families who are working with Family Promise. For more information about Family Promise visit:

We offer many fellowship opportunities throughout the year including:
-Brownie Sundae Sales
-Rummage Sale
-St. Margaret's Events
-Men's Club
-Prayer Warriors